The following is a list of the major changes to this web over the last month, with the
most recent changes shown first (DD-MM-YY):
- 2-3-2005
- The website has been updated with the theme created by
- 1-12-2004
- You can now use smiles in your title and they will be replaced with graphics!
- 10-11-2004
- Tombstone is now open, it is just east of New Thalos in the Great Eastern Desert, for levels 20-40.
- 27-10-2004
- People running out of rent money will no longer lose all equipment, just the rent equipment.
- 10-10-2004
- New quest, find the Grail, bow to King Arthur.
- 2-10-2004
- First Chaos mud!
- 4-9-2004
- The butcher command has been added, for warriors.
- 4-8-2004
- White Plume has been reopened! It is for levels 40-60, and is located
west of Midgaard, in the Dark Forest.
- 15-6-2004
- Two Kingdoms has been added for levels 40-55, by IQuit.
- 6-6-2004
- Added a zone editor (web based) for immortals. Much, much easier to use.
- 2-6-2004
- Added the ignore command. It will let you ignore any player, and ignores almost anything that player could do to bug you.
- 21-5-2004
- Added new levels to clans. Lords can now serve as replacements for the leader when they are away. Chiefs can now do basic day to day maintenance of the clan.
- 25-4-2004
- Changes for charmies: The recall command and the spell word of recall will bring them with you. Charmies set to guarding will flee combat
if you are not in the room. Charmies set to guard that are not the same room will try to find their master (note that they
often can't track very far).
- 22-4-2004
- Added the music channel.
- 21-4-2004
- Ariana's newbie area is now in play! It is first area newbies see.
- 19-4-2004
- Added an online auctioning system. Multiple items can be auctioned at once, and it survives reboots.
- 12-4-2004
- Immortals can now upload images to the mud. The mud will resize them as appropriate.
- 1-4-2004
- Items left in rooms for over 12 hours will now disappear. Reboots no
longer have any effect on the items.
- 24-3-2004
- Added pose messages for monks composed by Memnoch. Thanks Memnoch.
- 17-1-2004
- Changed the way limited items are loaded. It's now on a decreasing chance as
there are more loaded. There is always a chance, however small though.
- 7-1-2004
- IQuit has made a new spell for the mud called "proximity". It will tell you
how close you are to a mobile. It is an elementalist spell.
- 4-1-2004
- Web no longer completely paralyzes the enemy. Now it slows down the attacking,
and makes it harder for the victim to retreat. Duration is now 1d4. As
before, soap removes it.
- 31-12-03
- Asgaard has been added near Midgaard. Just in time for the new year!
- 27-12-03
- Land of Oz has been added near The Great Eastern Desert.
- 15-12-03
- Clan Chests will now auto-close and auto-lock each tick.
- 01-12-03
- People can now get married on the mud.
- 02-05-03
- Items left on the ground will disappear after 5 reboots now, instead of 10. Eventually this will be changed to an amount of time, rather than reboots.
- 02-05-03
- The chests are finally available for order. The price had to be changed though, it was too good to be true.
- 07-04-03
- Clan leaders can now add rooms themselves and edit them to their
liking. Create your own mini city!
- 07-04-03
- Added support for the telnet NAWS protocol. The mud should now
automatically detect the screen size if you're using telnet, Zmud, and
probably a variety of other mud clients.
- 28-05-02
- Added features page.
- 28-05-02
- Added ICQ page.
- 26-05-02
- Added SMS page.
- 20-03-01
- Items other than held items can be light sources - such items are rare
- 11-02-01
- Added more answers to the newbie FAQ. The Java prompt now works thru firewalls. Some people still don't connect however... no Java support?
They are supposed to fall back to the html form however...
- 17-01-01
- Added passdoor character affect, which allows characters to walk thru
doors. Also added pills... they behave much like food with spells on
- 16-01-01
- Added door randomizer. Doors can now be randomized, every zone
- 09-02-01
- Added some support and detection for proxies. If you logged in
before and it was slow, try it again, it may be faster. But it's
still better to get rid of the proxy if you can.
- 01-12-00
- Lots of work on the graphical side of Criterion. People logging in
by text are missing something!
- 01-09-00
- Work on Criterion mud's graphical engine begins.
- 15-07-98
- Took out the effect the famine and dwarf strike had on shop keepers. It wasn't
that useful anyway.
- 13-07-98
- Shocking grasp is cast on your hands now, and will shock the enemy (or dissipate, if
you miss) only if you're barehanded.
- 29-06-98
- Added the coffee effect. Drink coffee, and for a while your attacks will be
- 23-06-98
- Added the lure skill, which will allow a thief to lure a mob into another room.
The mobile must be of the wandering type.
- 22-06-98
- Added the fence skill, which allows you to sell any item at the guildmaster (this might
change) for cash.
- 04-06-98
- Changed multiclasses so multiclasses who wear equipment which anti one of their classes
and then try to use that class' skills get penalized. Also made it easier for people in
general to cast. People knowing a spell very well will cast it a bit above their
level (but never as a god).
- 15-04-98
- Added the The Psycho Ward zone, in the forest west of Midgaard.
It is intended for levels 30+.
- 10-03-98
- Added the The Cemetery zone, it's all east from Common Square.
It's intended for levels 8-14.
- 18-02-98
- Changed spell casting so wisdom influences casting. People with low wisdom will be
penalized in casting.
- 18-02-98
- Created this What's New page.