| Wondering who is online? Hoping someone will log on? The mud
can send you a message when someone logs on via ICQ
or SMS. You can find more information on using
the mud with ICQ. |
 | An auto-redeemer for players having completed a certain quest. No
need to wait for an immortal to be online! |
 | An arena, where one player can challenge another to see who is
better. No deaths, and no damaging of items. |
 | A clan system, allowing the leader to purchase
additions for his clan, such as additional rooms, special items, clan
guards, etc. |
 | A unique elementalist class (not copied from any other mud). 70% of
the spells for the elementalist class are unique to the class. |
 | A druid class. The druid class has a number of unique spells to it. |
 | A repair guy to fix your weapons and armor. |
 | Criterion mud can convert Merc 2.2 areas to its format. So basically
you can use MZF or your
favorite offline Merc 2.2 editor and then upload the area to Criterion. |
 | The CONsider command will actually simulate a combat between you and the
mobile. |
 | City guards will attack aggressive monsters in towns. |
 | Coffee speeds up your attacks. |
 | Shocking grasp will stay charged until used, or until a certain amount of
the time elapses. |
 | Smarter mobs : they will hunt you if you flee from a fight with them, spell casters
will summon help and then summon you for revenge sometimes, spell casters will dispel you, warriors will disarm you, thieves will backstab. |
 | Regeneration rooms so that higher levels will not have to wait 30 minutes before they are fully healed and ready to adventure again! |
 | Pills which have effects when swallowed. |
 | Passdoor - walk thru doors. Very rare effect. |
 | Lure - allows thieves to lure monsters (which normally move) into another
room. Uses coins, which are recuperated when the monster is killed. |
 | Fence - allows thieves to sell items for cash. |
 | Items other than held items can be light sources - such items are rare
however. |
 | Deathtraps are almost non-existent. The existing ones are well advertised. |
 | Free recall command if you are not carrying or wearing rare items (items that cost rent). This encourages exploring since you can teleport back to your town with a simple command. |
 | Keep your gear when you die! Only gold and 1 random item are left in the body. |
 | Statistics go up to 18 (18/100 for strength). No more god-like players with 25 in all stats. |
 | Statistics are meaningful. What is the point of stats if you can buy
your way to all 18? Are you one of the players that thinks that buying
your stats to 18 is a feature? Shame on you, having all 18 stats makes
them completely useless. Might as well remove them from the game
completely. |
 | Unlike other muds, where limited items are limited to a fixed amount,
making it impossible for players to get other items, Criterion has a sliding
scale, so as an item reaches it's maximum, it becomes harder and harder to
find. This allows people who are desperate for the item to get a copy
of it, but still limits it to give it a rarity. To balance for this
feature, items that are not at their maximum do not always show up. |