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Table of Contents
What is a mud client ?A mud client is a program that allows you to connect to the mud. It will allow you to repeat the last command you typed, and some clients will also allow you to hear sound the mud sends. It also can do some things automatically for you when it sees a certain text. If you connect to Criterion mud thru your browser, you do not need a mud client however - your browser acts as the mud client. Back to TopHow do I connect to the Criterion mud?To connect to the Criterion world, you have basically three choices:
Back to TopWhat are classes?Criterion is a class based mud. What skills you can learn, whether you can cast magic, some of your vital stats, are determined by what class you pick. Certain classes can be combined with others, this is called multiclassing. Multiclass characters usually take longer to level because they require more experience (each class must get its share of experience), however, you will have more skills available to you. You can get more help about the individual classes. Back to TopWhat is experience?Experience (often called exp, or xp), is a representation of how experienced your character is. To advance to the next level, you will need a certain amount of experience (type "score" to see it). Killing stronger monsters will give you more experience than killing weaker ones, but if you pick a monster that is too strong for you, you may die, or if you have wimpy enabled, you may flee. Dying will cost you a lot of experience, and fleeing will cost a little (it depends on the strength of the monster). Before you try to kill a monster, you should try the con command also. If you are trying to kill a tough monster, you may wish to set your wimpy. Back to TopWhat is wimpy, and how can it save my life?Wimpy is a feature that allows you to automatically flee from combat when you are below a certain amount of hit points. This will often save your hide! A setting below 20% is usually useless, and a setting above 40% is usually a bit annoying as you will often flee when you feel you are not really in danger. The maximum setting is 50%. Keep in mind that you do not always flee the first time you try to. Back to TopHow can I communicate with other players?There are generally two ways of communicating, to everyone in the world, and to people in the room you are in. To speak to the entire mud, type:
To speak directly to one person (does not have to be in the same room), type:
To speak in just the room you are in, type:
More detail
Back to TopCan I kill this? The CONsider command.You will encounter many monsters that are past your level, and therefore could kill you with a few hits. To determine the strength of a monster, use "con monster". Con returns three types of information. For example, if you CON'ed Biff The Dragon Slayer:
The CON commands simulates a combat (just one!) and returns the result. Since this is just one simulation, you will probably want to try it a few times to get a better idea of what your combat will be like. This is especially true when you are a newbie, and miss your hits often. Also note that the con command does not take into account any casting the NPC might do. The difference of your level versus Biff the Dragon Slayer's makes you think... Too easy to be believed. This is the least accurate information. The CON command compared your level to Biff's, and returned a piece of text describing the difference. Unfortunately, levels aren't always set with respect to a monster's strength, so you should not rely on this description. Finally, you may see:
The last paragraph you will not get until you have practiced lore at the Loremaster (ask people on mud for directions). "Est" here stands for estimated. The damage estimate is strictly based on the dice of the mobile is unreliable. Back to TopIs the newbie equipment good? What is it's stats?Some of it is actually quite good. Before you get rid of it, you should check this table. You may be replacing your newbie equipment with something crappy! Most of the merchants in Midgaard do not sell anything valuable, as they have been killed far too often. This may change in the future.
A fully loaded newbie looks like: [1] <used as light> A Birthday cake candle Back to TopBut what do those stats mean?The birthday candle is a light. This means if you hold it, the room will be brighter. Useful for times when you're in the woods and it's night. The pencil is a piercing weapon with an average damage of 7. The other stats are explained below:
Back to TopWhat is AC and what are it's ranges?AC (Armor Class) refers to how well protected you are from physical blows. For example, a suit of armor will have a higher (better) armor class than a piece of clothing. Your dexterity determines the base for this setting, and any further items you wear affect it also. To find out your AC, type "attribute". Here is the range of values:
Back to TopGrouping, or how to play as a team.Suppose you want to kill monsters with someone else; I mean, two swords are better than one right? You'll notice that experience will go to the last person to make the blow. Unless, of course, you group, then the experience will be shared between players. How do you do it? First, you decide on who will lead. Let's say it's Bob, and Mark and Paul are playing also. Then everyone types: follow Bob Bob, on the other hand, must not be following anybody (he can type "follow Bob" if he is), and must group everyone, himself included with the following commands: group Bob Back to TopHow can I read scrolls?If you are a magic user (Mage, Cleric, Druid, Elementalist), you can read scrolls simply by typing "recite scroll-name". Note that not all scrolls are good, and you may wish to identify them before reciting them. If you are not a magic user (warrior), you will first need to learn how to read magic, by visiting the Loremaster in Mordilina. Magic users may also want to make the quest to learn some of the other things the loremaster teaches. This quest should not be undertaken by players of levels less than 10, because getting lost could mean you run into dangerous creatures. Never the less, you should not need to engage in combat. You will, however, need a boat (the captain near the levee sells one). The levee is 2 squares east (2e) and 1 square south from Common Square. From the levee, the Loremaster is one south, go all the way west (the current may drag you west also), and then all the way south until you cannot go any further. Then once west, and south until you find the Loremaster. Once there, like always, type "practice" to get a list of the skills you can learn. Type "practice read magic" until it says you are a master. Back to TopHelp! I'm lost!The easiest way to remedy this is to type "recall", which will bring you back to the Temple of Midgaard or the last place you rented. Type "recall ?" to see where you've rented so far. There are also maps of a few areas available. Other players have made maps; contact them for errors or omissions in these maps. Is this item better than that one? How can I identify items?The best way to identify equipment is to buy a wand from Zifnab (2 west, 1 north of Market Square), hold the wand and type "use wand item". The item should be in your inventory (not equipped). Please note that the newbie equipment is already identified for you. The pencil and the birthday candle are better than a lot of the equipment out there; this is done to help newbies get started. I've run out of space in my inventory, now what? Can I put items in bags?Yes! You can out items into bags until the bag is full, or until you cannot carry any more items. To put items in a bag, type "put item bag". To view the contents in the bag, type "examine bag". To get something from it, type "get item bag". You can get bags from the grocer in Midgaard (1e, 1n from Market Square). These bags are small however, the Gypsy Shopkeeper in the Gypsy camp sells bigger ones. What are the various stats, and what do they impact?There are 6 stats, and they have impact on various skills and spells (this list is NOT complete):
Which is better, hitroll or damage roll?By AlexThe answer to this one changes depending on what you want to do. If you want hit more often, get stuff that gives a higher hitroll. (Great for players with multiple hits per round.) If you prefer to hit harder, get stuff with a higer damage roll. This will add to the damage your weapon does when you do hit something (someone.) It is possible to have both be very high numbers - in the 30's. this is nice if you want to hit every time, and hit hard. (That's the way you're supposed to hit, right?) Okay, so what exactly does hitroll help with? Hitroll is designed to help with something called a THAC-0 (To Hit Armor Class Zero.) To hit a creature, when you type kill (thingy) - the game rolls a 20 sided "hit dice" and compares it to your THAC-0. - If the dice is higher than your THAC-0 , you hit the thingy you are trying to kill. Game does this every round until you flee, kill it, or get killed. What does Damroll help with? Damroll adds to the damage your weapon does. To find out what damage your weapon does just get someone to show you how to identify your weapon. Wands that do this are available from Zifnab. For example - if you know your weapon (in this case, the Epee) does 12d1, you know that when you hit, the game rolls 12 one-sided dice and adds up the result... which in this case, is always 12. You are wearing armor that gives you +6 to damage... so, just add the two numbers up! 12 + 6 = 18 hit points of damage you do to the other guy. ( Only if you manage to hit him!!) What is THAC-0?By AlexTo Hit Armor Class Zero (thac0) - every player has one. This helps the game figure out how often you're going to hit someone in a battle. The game rolls a 20 sided die each time you are going to hit someone. For a character at level one, your Thac0 is high - you may have to roll over 16 (out of 20!) to hit whatever you're attacking. Don't worry, THAC0 comes down as you gain experience and levels. For high level characters, THAC0 may be as low as 2, or even 1 (out of 20) to hit. This explains why a level one character has such a hard time killing a mouse, but a level 99 character can kill creatures of God-like difficulty with out breaking a sweat. Oh... if the game rolls a 1 (out of 20) you will miss. If the game rolls a 20 (out of 20) you will hit no matter what. It's the game's way of letting the newbies kill the mouse. Does the armor class of the creature I'm attacking affect MY Thac-0? Yes. As the creature's armor class drops towards the max of -100, your Thac-0 goes up. The max thac-0 you can have is 19. (out of 20) This is where your hitroll bonus comes in. The hitroll bonus helps you hit creatures of really low armor class. The reverse is also true. A creature with low armor class (max of +100) is very easy to hit, and your Thac-0 needed to whack him is lower. What are those numbers at the bottom of my screen?When you play, you will notice three sets of numbers at the bottom of your screen. These numbers are your prompt (the default one, you can change it later if you like.)H: <number> are your current hitpoints. Hit points are the measure of a character's current physical condition. You can lose hp during combat, and if you lose too much hp, your character will die. M: <number> is your current mana. Mana is the measure of a character's magical capability. As you cast spells, you use up mana. It is possible to use up your mana and not be able to cast a spell. V: <number> are your current movement points. Movement points represent a character's stamina. You slowly use up movement points during travel, and when you run low, your character becomes tired. Hitpoints, mana, and movement points all regenerate over time. You can speed up this regeneration by sleeping or resting (a safe place is best, and a regen room like The Temple of Midgaard is even better).Moving AroundDirections you may move in:
To open or unlock a door, type:
To see the room description again, type:
Equipment (or what am I wearing/wielding)To see what you are wearing, type: eqTo wear an item, type: wear <item name> To wear everything you can, type: wear all To remove something you are wearing or wielding, type: remove <item name> To remove all you are wearing, type: remove all What am I carrying? (Inventory)To see what you are carrying, type: inv ContainersTo see contents, type: look in <container name> or examine <container name> ThirstI’m thirsty. What do I do?There are a few solutions, depending on what you have.
HungerI’m hungry, and out of food. What do I do? Type: recall DeathI died. What do I do? Healing /Mana/Move regenerationI heal slowly. How can I speed this up? Make sure you are not hungry or thirsty. Type:
score To get a room that speeds up regeneration, type: recall The Temple of Midgaard (room with the fountain) is a regeneration room. Resting or sleeping there will speed up healing/mana regeneration/move regeneration. Potions that heal/restore mana/restore movement points are sold at various shops, but are expensive. Some monsters also have potions. Never quaff a potion without first identifying it. Some potions are harmful. Identifying Items (or What the heck is this thing?)To find out what an item is, what it does, and how it will affect you if used: I am poisoned! What do I do?White potions cure poison: All about rentingWhere does one rent? Copyright © 2000 [Stéphane Boisjoli]. All rights reserved.